The season of Mangoes - King of fruits has arrived. Honestly speaking I dont remember when was the last time I had mango, 5-6 years its been for sure, but this season I decided to start having them again because at one time, it used to be my favorite fruit. Juicy, sweet, ripe, I used to eat them without cutting them also, directly biting into them.
Whenever its the season, my mom always makes mango pulp and keeps it in the freezer so that we can use them even after the season is over to make milkshakes, ice creams or just to have it with some poori (deep fried indian bread).
This time I stole some of the frozen mango pulp that my mom had hidden in the freezer and tried making this Mango Sorbet. It did turn out good and as you know, I have become very health conscious. In case you dont know about that, follow me on Twitter - @HungryBawarchi for updates on how I trying to control and also on Instagram - HungryBawarchi.
So before I start making, I had taken a picture of all the ingredients so that it becomes a bit easier for me to remember what to put when (my way of remembering :P).

Ingredients are as follows.-
Frozen Mango Pulp Cubes - 200 gms approx
Thick Yogurt or Greek Yogurt - 100 gms
Lemon Juice - 20 ml
Sugar - 15 gms.
Parle G and Mint Crumb - 50 gms
Now lets start making the sorbet and continue being healthy.
To make the Parle G and Mint Crumb - take two packs of the small chotu parle g along with some mint leaves and put them in a chopper and press the button which will turn it into a powder like crumb. (I know its very easy. )
For the main dish - hero of the dish - the dish - Mango Sorbet.
1. Take the frozen Aam (Mango) cubes in a blender just like how I did. My cubes are quite big cause my ice trays are big like me. :P

2. Then add in the Sugar, if mangoes are sweet, you can add less but mine were a bit khatta (sour). I also added some lemon juice cause the recipe calls for it :P. (I have no other reason or a better answer for the same :P)
3. After you have the mango cubes, the sugar, the lemon juice, its time for the yogurt. Try and put in chilled yogurt. Mine was not so chilled as we had yogurt for lunch and then forgot the keep it in the fridge to chill. But its fine. You do keep it in the fridge to chill :P

4. Once you have everything in the blender, do wait, put on the lid and on the the machine and blend it until smooth. Do not over do it, cause you will have to wait more time to try it. :P
Take a spoon and just dig into it and have it and enjoy it.
You can make this through out the year and enjoy it. All you need it just some Frozen Mango Puree Cubes.
In case you try it out, do let me know in the comments below and also TRY IT OUT. Its healthy and perfect for this summer season and heat.